
world gratitude day
A Word From Ari: Happy National Chocolate Day, also known as February 14th! or for the Romantics among us, Valentine’s Day Growing up, chocolate was very important in the Medoff household. My grandparents would bring Swiss chocolate each time they would visit us, and I remember the joy of trying different flavors of Lindt, Toblerone,...
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Arosa Caregiver Winter Newsletter 2023 Keeping Your Clients Cognitively Fit Are you concerned about your client’s cognitive decline? You can help combat it!  Consistently engaging their brain with new and stimulating experiences, is the key to cultivating more cognitive reserve and staving off mental decline.  The good news is that cognitive skills are not fixed....
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Arosa Grant Circle Growing a Circle of Support Just weeks before the birth of her child, Anne received an eviction notice. Both she and her husband had been unable to work due to medical issues. The financial stress Anne was feeling was so intense it was impacting her physical health, causing her and her doctor...
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Gratitude is Contagious Septmeber, 21, 2023 Ameseginalehu.” The big smile radiated out from Kebret’s face when I said “thank you” in Amharic after he had helped get my bags out of the back of his cab at LaGuardia airport. Twelve years later, I still remember his joy and the hug he gave me after my...
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World Gratitude Day is September 21, but Arosa Shows Gratitude All Month Long! About World Gratitude Day A little bit of gratitude can go a long way. World Gratitude Day started in Hawaii in 1965 during a United Nations’ gathering hosted by Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual leader and meditation teacher. During a Thanksgiving dinner at...
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