Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

Want to know more about Arosa’s integrated home care and care management services? Check out the answers to frequently asked questions below.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions.

What is the difference between a Care Manager and a Caregiver?

A Care Manager is a social worker, nurse, gerontologist, or mental health professional who acts as a guide for families as they navigate the aging process. They have in-depth knowledge of healthcare and related complex systems, including health insurance, referrals, housing and transportation support, transfers to specialty and rehabilitation care, financial issues and more. The bottom line is that Care Managers enhance the quality of caregiving services. They provide unbiased advice and expertise in the assessment, plan development, coordination, and monitoring of elder care services to ensure the highest quality of care.

Professional Caregivers can support seniors at home in a variety of ways, including through companionship, personal and hygienic care, medication reminders, meal preparation, transportation, and light housekeeping. Caregivers provide support on an hourly basis or on an around-the-block basis.

At Arosa, we know that the integration of care management and caregiving at home leads to higher satisfaction for individuals and their families. Our senior care services combine the expertise of professional Care Managers with the compassion and skills of dedicated Caregivers to deliver better experiences for seniors and their families.

What are the benefits of care management?

One significant benefit of care management is peace of mind. Most people feel that they should be able to manage all aspects of the eldercare situation, but this is no easy task. Having somebody who has both the experience and the training makes a real difference and can provide great relief for family members.

Another benefit is the ability to use your resources wisely. Having a Care Manager at your side can make a real difference when it comes to time and money. Care managers can also help clients reduce certain risks. We map out where that person’s risk is and then we come up with interventions to lower risk.

What home care options are available?

There are a variety of ways in which someone can acquire a caregiver. The first option is to hire someone privately. The second option is through the use of a registry, which is a type of organization that provides you with a list of candidates. The third option involves using an organization that acts as the agency.

The last—and most beneficial—approach to home care is a care-managed agency.
Arosa is a care-managed agency. A care-managed agency provides more quality assurance, pays special attention to home care issues, and looks at every aspect of your loved one when it comes to figuring out what we can do to enhance quality of life, reduce risk, and create a better home care experience.

How is home care paid for?

When people are exploring home care, one of the very first questions that come up is, “how is this going to be paid for?” The assumption is that Medicare will pay for it, but that’s usually not the case. Home care is paid for primarily out of pocket. However, there may be programs available to help in paying for the care needed.

These include public benefits, long-term care insurance, workers’ compensation, legal settlements, reverse annuity mortgages, and specific veterans’ programs. Be sure to consult with an Arosa professional to see if you qualify for any of these programs.

How do I start my home care journey?

Everybody’s situation is quite unique. Home care for your loved one is based on what their needs are, what your preferences are, and what levels of risk you face. The first step is meeting with a professional, somebody who can understand what the needs are and formulate a plan for how to address those needs in a way that will be sustainable.

It’s important to act now. Finding home care for a loved one isn’t easy, and oftentimes families put off these decisions simply because the task and issues involved are too difficult to deal with. Starting now will make a huge difference; it really opens up the number of options that are available to you and your loved one.

How can I best respond to my loved one’s needs?

It’s all about knowing your options while figuring out and learning as much as you can about what’s within the realm of possibility. The type of home care is oftentimes driven by what the needs and preferences are of your loved one, as well as what is important to you. Is it time? Is it money? Is it peace of mind? Is it quality? Is it safety? These factors will all influence the decision-making process.

Having someone who is skilled in providing home care for seniors is your best option. It’s beneficial to have a third party who can sit down with you and understand what’s important to you and your loved one. A skilled Care Manager can easily address your needs and create a balanced plan that will be sustainable for everybody involved.

How do I determine our caregiving needs?

The first step is thinking about the specific tasks that the person needs assistance with and then what amount of time is required per task. Next, think about the level of care your loved one needs. Do they require skilled nursing care? Do they require someone to give injections? Or is it just more practical care?

It’s important to have somebody who can work with you and give you some guidance and direction. Think about the specific tasks and the level of skill that’s required, then employ professionals who have experience to help you put together a plan.

What does a Care Manager do?

Care managers perform various tasks which are customized to the needs and preferences of our client base. Our care managers provide socialization activities by first identifying how we can improve our client’s quality of life. We are also involved in organizing medications and making sure that our clients take them properly and on time.

Sometimes families don’t see eye to eye, and this can often lead to family conflict. When families live out of town, having a Care Manager gives you an extra set of eyes and ears to help you gain an objective view regarding what’s going on. They make a real difference helping families during difficult times and getting the right services into place quickly.

What if my family is resistant to help?

At Arosa, we have the expertise and experience to deal with people who are extremely resistant to care. Let us give you an example. Sally is a woman suffering from Alzheimer’s. Her daughter, who is very concerned, had called a traditional agency. The agency was met by Sally, who was angry and got very agitated. How was Nancy ever going to be able to take care of her mom and live up to the promise she had made to her dad?

Nancy called Arosa, and one of our Care Managers was able to work with her. It became so clear that Sally was missing the activities that she once enjoyed doing and we reframed the whole situation by talking to Sally about having a personal driver who could help get her to the activities that she enjoyed going to. That seemed to resonate with Sally. Nancy was delighted because her mom was suddenly willing to accept care.

Still have questions?

One of our team members will be happy to answer your questions and help your family chart a course forward.